Visitor Satisfaction Survey
1. Did you contract Malaria, Dengue, or Aids during your visit?
a) No. But praying.
b) Yes, but recovering already thanks to wonderful Balinese health care industry.
2. What do you believe Bali polisi should do about stray dogs that are everywhere?
a) Force villagers to take care of them.
b) Shoot them for large cremation procession to attract tourists.
3. What was your best culinary experience in Bali?
a) Balinese rijsstafel at Ketut's place in Ubud.
b) Balinese 'chi chi wao kilung' dish bought on the street from warung, except from bad bowel movement experience afterwards, but thanks to wonder dokter all my problems vanished.
4. What do you think of Balinese sales tactics?
a) Friendly. Through their sales tactics I made many friends.
b) Aggressive, but I like aggression.
5. Bali famous for Legong dance. How many legong dances were you forced to watch?
a) 20 but they never bored me.
b) 0 because it didn't feel forced.
6. After visiting Bali, do you feel sorry for Bali Nine, Aussies who got heavy sentences for smuggling drugs in 2005?
a) No, I'm glad the Bali courts know justice. Drug smuggling is easily on a par with terrorist bombing of Kuta in 2002.
b) Maybe a death sentence for an Australian youngster is slightly overdone, except Balinese courts can assure the victim he will come back as a non drug smuggling sweetheart.
7. Do you feel that muslims from Java are encroaching on peaceful hindu Bali?
a) Yes. Encroaching muslims from Java should stop encroaching and leave peaceful Hindu Bali alone.
b) No, although I did see one mosque in East Bali that I though was out of place.
8. How many massages did you receive from lovely Balinese girls in flowery spa-environment during your visit?
a) 80. But 60 of those were forced upon me (kidding).
b) 80. But they didn't respond favorably to my request for happy ending.
9. What was your experience with Balinese taxi's?
a) There are no Balinese taxi's. Or everybody who owns a car is a taxi-driver.
b) Experience was great. Except that talking to driver is not recommended: taxi driver that tries to listen and talk back slows taxi down to walking speed.
10. On the whole would you visit Bali again, or would you rather prefer a destination without sweet, beautiful people, reasonable prices and interesting local culture, even if there are too many stray dogs?
a) Next time I will buy my own villa here if the prices come down, and Balinese women take up their old habit again of walking around topless.
b) Yes, and I will come back for 6 months to write a masterpiece.
Terima Kasih!
Zo ben ik
Ik ben een beetje ziek, dat klopt. Dat heeft u goed gezien. Ik ben ook een beetje oud, dat is ook waar, misschien heb ik mijn beste tijd gehad. En ik voel me niet zo sterk meer in mijn binnenste. Mijn binnenste wordt zwakker. Wat bij u uw botten zijn. Maar mag ik misschien op eigen houtje mijn einde bereiken? Mag ik misschien zelf bepalen wanneer ik ga? Dat wilt u toch ook?
Ik moet eerlijk zeggen: al het gedoe om mij heen heeft me niet beter gemaakt. Waarom laten ze me niet met rust? Al die zogenaamd belanghebbenden, zogenaamd belangstellenden, ik word d'r gek van. Stel even voor dat aan uw lijf zo'n polonaise hing. Daar zou u niet vrolijker van worden, dat weet ik zeker. Eigenlijk moet je als oudere blij zijn als je nooit bezoek krijgt, als je mij zo ziet.
Gisteren was het weer raak: een stel lui die me zo nodig moesten testen. Nou, toen heb ik me wel effe schrap gezet, wacht dacht u dan? Dat zou u toch ook doen? Als u over straat loopt en een of ander rotjoch begint aan uw tasje te rukken, dan geeft u toch ook niet mee? Als de dokter zegt: adem eens diep in en blaas eens zo hard als u kan, dan geeft u toch alles? Dat bedoel ik. Je moet weerstand bieden in het leven, heb ik altijd geleerd, anders word je in stukken gehakt. Genadeloos.
De mensen willen weten of ik me het allemaal nog herinner, de oorlog enzovoorts. Altijd weer die oorlog. Het antwoord is ja, maar het wordt wel vager hoor. Ik voel dat ik bij de ingang sta van het schimmenrijk. Nog even en ik weet echt niet meer wie Anne is. Dan moeten andere mensen me uitleg geven. En dat is triest. In- en intriest ja.
Wat ook triest is, is dat buurman Tazosrus het nodig heeft gevonden om uit de onderhavige situatie een slaatje te slaan. Je kon er je klok op gelijkzetten hè? Ik hoor Amerikaanse toeristen brallen dat er al 10.100 dollar is geboden op een luizige kastanje van mij op eBay.
Ik zag hem wel zoeken, een paar dagen geleden, die Tazosrus. Luister, het is herfst, zelfs als je niet aan onomkeerbare rottingsverschijnselen lijdt, zoals ik, ga je het een en ander afwerpen. Toen ik hem bezig zag, dacht ik: 'Zal ik een takje laten vallen op dat hoofdje van hem? Een groot takje? Zou Anne dat goedvinden?' Maar ik heb het niet gedaan. Natuurlijk heb ik het niet gedaan. Ik neem me altijd van alles voor, en er gebeurt nooit iets.
Ik heb nog een verzoek, als het morgen zover is. Als de rechter de stormsimulators en de groene huilebalken ongelijk geeft en de zaagmachines komen, en de hoogwerkers, en de huilebalken, en de internationale pers zijn hoogste koortsachtigheid bereikt, dan wil ik graag dat u aan iedereen doorgeeft dat ik niet rancuneus zal zijn als ik brand in uw open haard. Ik zal proberen zo goed mogelijk te branden, iedereen zoveel mogelijk warmte te geven, zoals ik dat altijd heb gedaan, opdat niemand aan mij een schuldgevoel overhoudt. Want zo ben ik. zo ben ik altijd geweest.
Interview door Prinses Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld.
Dat is een foto uit de tijd dat het nog redelijk goed met me ging, alhoewel ze me niet gewaarschuwd hebben. Het is een stiekem kiekje. Ik kreeg niet eens tijd om me een beetje op te tutten. Maar je moet een boom altijd beoordelen op haar beste momenten, vind ik, en niet vastpinnen op de actualiteit.
How To Do Absolutely Nothing®
An easy, fool proof, 12 step strategy to abandon all activities and resign to a new, better workable, modern day oblomowism, in order to be able to really indulge in your leisure time, instead of wasting it with stupid things.
1. Breathe. Stare. Let you mind wander. Those are the only three activities allowed under the program. If however, your wandering mind sticks longer than let’s say five seconds to something, watch out. You’re in the danger zone. Keep your mind wandering, and if that doesn’t work, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Count your breathings, from 0 tot 10, if you find out you’re at 24, start all over. If focusing on our breathing makes you paranoid, focus on your pinkie toe. Don’t try to stretch it. In case your wondering, this has nothing to do with meditation, but everything with doing absolutely nothing.
2. I agree, it is extremely hard to ignore the mobile telephone that’s sitting on the table. You turned it off earlier, thank you very much, because you understood that a working telephone, in the neighborhood of the person trying to do absolutely nothing, i.e. you, will cause challenges, to say the least. Disturbances, too. Distractions. Like staring at it? Go ahead, stare. You could turn it on now, that’s right, and see who’s called you, for no good reason, or who you could call, for no good reason, or send a completely redundant message, but then again... that’s right, then you’re... doing something, as opposed to absolutely nothing. Just try to cut all the bullshit. It’s Wednesday, for heaven’s sake!
3. The crying baby in the corner is your child. At least, that’s what the paternity test showed. Ignore it. I know this is difficult. Parents – good parents – have a tendency to eagerly respond to distress calls, especially from infants, but I’m sorry, we have to let it pass. The baby will survive. Trust me. Sooner or later he will go back to doing absolutely nothing again. Just like you.
4. A drink would be nice, indeed. For the mind, for the body. But a drink is also definitely a something. So, no.
5. HeloYou are talking. To me? Or to yourself? Why can’t you just sit still and shut your face for a moment? And stop tapping with your foot.
7. I agree, a crying baby that goes on for an hour and then, when you think he’s done, starts crying even louder – that can be discomforting. Where is the nanny, anyway? Your mother? No? In that case, maybe you should go and have a look. How to do absolutely nothing® can’t be liable for whatever. When you’re done, come back and start all over. Next time when you do the program, do it at work.
8. You’ve been musically depraved, lately. That is correct. During that horrendous 4 hour stopover in St. Louis you had nothing to listen to, because your iPod had died, and now you’re home and you’re really craving some old school Nirvana... Actually, you would like to go ahead and download their latest, or at least check it out, and so forth... Right? I’m sorry. No Arctic Monkeys for you, not anytime soon. You’re not even allowed to sing. The only thing you are allowed to do, under the program, is thinking of a song. Sing it in your head, if you really must, but no longer than 10 seconds, and no lipsyncing either. You may use your heartbeat and the noise of your breathing for background, and eh..., the streetcleaning truck down the street.
9. The streetcleaning truck, that’s right. So you totally forgot to move your car, right, because of the program we’re doing? Perfectly understandable. But now you got a ticket. Yes, you can go can go to court and plead not guilty. Or plead guilty and argue that there were special circumstances, like you trying to do nothing, and therefore you would like to pay half or, even better, nothing at all. Good luck with that.
10. What’s for dinner tonight? Is that what you’re thinking of? Well, I can’t answer that one for you, I’m not you’re personal chef or anything, but what I do know is that there is no getting up and checking out the fridge. As if there’s anything in there. I agree, it can get tiresome sometimes that we need to think and worry about dinner every single day. Even if you have enough money in the bank for a decent restaurant dinner every night, you will still have to figure out where to go, how to get there, at what time, with whom, what to order, etc. Hey, it’s the price of freedom. But now is not the time to worry about these matters. You have no freedom.
11. Sex? You're out of your mind. Sure, I understand that would be nice. But it is not part of the program. Also, if it were, there is no one around right now for you to have it with, then again, you know ways to get around that one. But: another no. Stop right there, put your pants back on and try to focus, for once. On anything except having sex. On doing nothing. That’s right.
12. Congratulations. You’re there. You have completed the programme. Well done! You can go to your loved ones now. And to the bathroom. Let’s have your creditcardnumber. Expiration date. Security number, on the back of the card. Thanks. You know where to find me.
1. Breathe. Stare. Let you mind wander. Those are the only three activities allowed under the program. If however, your wandering mind sticks longer than let’s say five seconds to something, watch out. You’re in the danger zone. Keep your mind wandering, and if that doesn’t work, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Count your breathings, from 0 tot 10, if you find out you’re at 24, start all over. If focusing on our breathing makes you paranoid, focus on your pinkie toe. Don’t try to stretch it. In case your wondering, this has nothing to do with meditation, but everything with doing absolutely nothing.
2. I agree, it is extremely hard to ignore the mobile telephone that’s sitting on the table. You turned it off earlier, thank you very much, because you understood that a working telephone, in the neighborhood of the person trying to do absolutely nothing, i.e. you, will cause challenges, to say the least. Disturbances, too. Distractions. Like staring at it? Go ahead, stare. You could turn it on now, that’s right, and see who’s called you, for no good reason, or who you could call, for no good reason, or send a completely redundant message, but then again... that’s right, then you’re... doing something, as opposed to absolutely nothing. Just try to cut all the bullshit. It’s Wednesday, for heaven’s sake!
3. The crying baby in the corner is your child. At least, that’s what the paternity test showed. Ignore it. I know this is difficult. Parents – good parents – have a tendency to eagerly respond to distress calls, especially from infants, but I’m sorry, we have to let it pass. The baby will survive. Trust me. Sooner or later he will go back to doing absolutely nothing again. Just like you.
4. A drink would be nice, indeed. For the mind, for the body. But a drink is also definitely a something. So, no.
5. HeloYou are talking. To me? Or to yourself? Why can’t you just sit still and shut your face for a moment? And stop tapping with your foot.
7. I agree, a crying baby that goes on for an hour and then, when you think he’s done, starts crying even louder – that can be discomforting. Where is the nanny, anyway? Your mother? No? In that case, maybe you should go and have a look. How to do absolutely nothing® can’t be liable for whatever. When you’re done, come back and start all over. Next time when you do the program, do it at work.
8. You’ve been musically depraved, lately. That is correct. During that horrendous 4 hour stopover in St. Louis you had nothing to listen to, because your iPod had died, and now you’re home and you’re really craving some old school Nirvana... Actually, you would like to go ahead and download their latest, or at least check it out, and so forth... Right? I’m sorry. No Arctic Monkeys for you, not anytime soon. You’re not even allowed to sing. The only thing you are allowed to do, under the program, is thinking of a song. Sing it in your head, if you really must, but no longer than 10 seconds, and no lipsyncing either. You may use your heartbeat and the noise of your breathing for background, and eh..., the streetcleaning truck down the street.
9. The streetcleaning truck, that’s right. So you totally forgot to move your car, right, because of the program we’re doing? Perfectly understandable. But now you got a ticket. Yes, you can go can go to court and plead not guilty. Or plead guilty and argue that there were special circumstances, like you trying to do nothing, and therefore you would like to pay half or, even better, nothing at all. Good luck with that.
10. What’s for dinner tonight? Is that what you’re thinking of? Well, I can’t answer that one for you, I’m not you’re personal chef or anything, but what I do know is that there is no getting up and checking out the fridge. As if there’s anything in there. I agree, it can get tiresome sometimes that we need to think and worry about dinner every single day. Even if you have enough money in the bank for a decent restaurant dinner every night, you will still have to figure out where to go, how to get there, at what time, with whom, what to order, etc. Hey, it’s the price of freedom. But now is not the time to worry about these matters. You have no freedom.
11. Sex? You're out of your mind. Sure, I understand that would be nice. But it is not part of the program. Also, if it were, there is no one around right now for you to have it with, then again, you know ways to get around that one. But: another no. Stop right there, put your pants back on and try to focus, for once. On anything except having sex. On doing nothing. That’s right.
12. Congratulations. You’re there. You have completed the programme. Well done! You can go to your loved ones now. And to the bathroom. Let’s have your creditcardnumber. Expiration date. Security number, on the back of the card. Thanks. You know where to find me.
Niet bij brood alleen
De bakker om de hoek heeft nieuwe 'huisregels'.
1. NIET met de FIETS de zaak IN.
2. HONDEN mogen niet naar binnen (ivm hygiene).
3. BELLENDE klanten krijgen GEEN AANDACHT.
4. Heroïnespuiten ALLEEN in de daartoebestemde spuithoek (ACHTER de STROOPWAFELS).
5. De nieuwe EEUWBOL is VOORAL geschikt bij de BORREL. Voor ander gebruik dan bij de borrel dragen wij GEEN VERANTWOORDELIJKHEID. Raadpleegt u onze VEELGESTELDE VRAGEN voor antwoord op de vraag naar het waarom van de naam 'eeuwbol', alsmede een lijst met NUTRIËNTEN.
6. HET is toegestaan GESPREKKEN te voeren met ANDERE KLANTEN, mits zij over onze nieuwe EEUWBOL gaan.
7. Als de rij ZO LANG wordt, dat hij de WIBAUTSTRAAT blokkeert, dan staan wij NIET in voor de DAARUIT VOORTVLOEIENDE AUTO-ONGELUKKEN.
8. HANGEN is niet hetzelfde als in de RIJ staan. Het is ook NIET TOEGESTAAN om met de brommer in de rij te staan, want dat is in de rij zitten, en bovendien denk aan de uitlaatgassen, die een ONZALIGE reactie aangaan met ons honderd jaar oude BAKMEEL.
9. VOLKOREN BROOD ligt ZWAAR OP DE MAAG. Dat is ook de bedoeling.
10. Nadat u geholpen bent, wensen wij u een HELE PRETTIGE DAG VERDER. Het wordt op prijs gesteld als u deze wens terugkaatst met INSGELIJKS, U OOK EEN HELE PRETTIGE DAG VERDER, of woorden van gelijke strekking. Zwijgen wordt door de dienstdoende broodverkopers als UITERST GROF ervaren.
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